Periodicamente são organizados retiros de treino intensivo numa quinta a 15 minutos do Porto, no meio da maior tranquilidade do meio rural, propício à máxima concentração e máxima rentabilidade do tempo investido. Outras actividades complementares interessantes são também possíveis: palestras/debates com especialistas académicos e gestores séniores, concertos, sessões de música, caminhadas, percursos de orientação, karts, etc.
Como chegar ao local:
A quinta fica perto da confluência da autoestrada A41 com a A42, entre a localidade de Sobrado (Valongo) e Rebordosa (Paredes). Tomando a saída de Sobrado na direcção de Rebordosa/Lordelo. Cerca de 1 km depois, atravessa-se a nova ponte da Amizade sobre o rio Ferreira, para o lado de Rebordosa. Segue-se para Fijô de Baixo e no antigo lugar de Souto encontra-se a quinta. Esta estende-se ao longo da margem sul do rio Ferreira.
1 comment:
Intensive stages:
You have the possibility of coming for an intensive GMAT training stage in this farm, just 15min away from Porto (Portugal), the nearest airport. This countryside farm is very tranquilizing, with the fresh and warm typical of northern Portugal. This means visitors will experience the most favourable conditions for concentration and intellectual productivity. Other activities can also be arranged, such as talks&debates with academia specialists and senior managers, musical concerts, jam sessions, nature walks, day/night orientation, karts, etc. Bed&Breakfast&Meals at the location.
How to get there:
If you come from abroad, you can take a plane to Porto International Airport, or come by train, by bus or by car. We'll pick you up anywhere in the city of Porto, just 20 minutes away from the farm.
If you insist to come by yourself to Rebordosa, your destination GPS coordinates would be Lat. 41º13'34,62" N Long.8º25'19,67" W.
In Porto you'd take the A3 highway to Braga and 3-4 km out of Porto turn east by the IC24 or A41, direction "Paços de Ferreira". Some 10km after you should leave at Sobrado (Valongo) and take the direction of Rebordosa everafter. You'll cross a bridge and te farm is just one kilometer away, after you take a small country road to the left at the "Fijô de Baixo" street. Then you just go down and turn two more times left and you are there - you'll recognize the house of the post "Preparação para o GMAT".
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