Friday, February 17, 2006

PS - cube volume to surface relation

If a cube has a volume of 64, what is its total surface area?

A 16
B 24
C 48
D 64
E 96

1 comment:

Luís Botelho Ribeiro said...

Since the volume is the side length to the third power, we get the side by the cubic root of 64. This operation is not easy, but normally in GMAT you will get an integer result. So you may go by trial and error. Try 3 and you'll get 3x3x3=27. Nops. Try 4 and you'll get 4x4x4=64 - Bingo! If the side is 4, each face o f the cube has an area of 4x4=16. The cube has 6 faces (remember the dice!) so the total exposed area will be 16x6=96, leading to the correct answer (E).